- Stem Cell Biology
- Study dealing with all aspects of stem cells.
- Pluripotency
- Capability of immature cells to give rise to different cell types.
- Clinical Stem Cells
- Clinical usage of stem cells in treating/preventing several diseases.
- Germline Stem Cells
- Stem cells that reside in a specified anatomical niche and help in cell proliferation.
- Stem Cell Bank
- A specified area to store and manage collected stem cells.
- Applied Regenerative Medicine
- The medical study to process, replace/regenerate human cells/tissues to create normal function.
- Embryonic Stem Cells
- Pluripotent cells derived from blastocyst inner wall that can proliferate in to immune cells.
- Stem Cells in Drug Research
- Usage of stem cells as probes and other required agents in drug discovery.
- Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine
- Application of regenerative medicine concepts to retrieve health in organ transplantation.
- Regeneration and Repair
- Regeneration is the process of developing the lost parts where repair is to heal dead tissue.
- Growth Disturbance
- Departure from the normal growth pattern causing health problems.
- Cell Culture and Protocols
- Application of several protocols in cell culture.
- Cryopreservation
- Preserving cells, organelles, etc. in low temperatures typically -80 °C using solid carbon dioxide or -196 °C using liquid nitrogen.
- Cell Migration Assays
- Migration of immune cells as per the stimuli and inhibiting the immune cells by immunosuppressive factors
- Cell Differentiation and Cell Immortalization
- Cell differentiation is the process of organs formation from cells while cell immortalization is the process of cell formation from any mutations.
- Stem Cell Surgery
- Organ surgery with healthy stem cells.
- Cancer Stem Cells
- Stem cells found in tumors possessing the characteristics to give rise all cell types in cancer sample.
- Bone Marrow Stem Cells
- cells originated from bone marrow.
- Stem Cell Therapy
- Stem-cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition.
- Stem-Cell Transplantation
- The process of infusing stem cells in body to replace damaged or diseased organs.
- Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
- The stem cells that can be generated from adult cells.
- Tissue-Specific Stem Cells
- Stem cells of specific tissue.
- Regenerative Medicine
- The medical study to replace, repair or regenerate the lost tissues or cells.
- Regenerative Therapy
- Replacing of damaged tissue with regenerated new tissue.
- Organ Regeneration
- The process of renewal, restoration, and growth of organs.
- Tissue Regeneration
- The process of renewal, restoration, and growth of tissues in body.
- Bone Marrow Transplantation
- Procedure to replace damaged or destroyed bone marrow with healthy bone marrow stem cells.
- All submissions will undergo vigorous peer review process.
- High quality review process.
- Permanent published archives.
- Author loyal benefits.
- Reviewer credits.
- Visible specified citations.
- Open access - Maximum dissemination.
- Un-interrupted author communication.
- Standard author guidelines.
- Minimal publication charges with convenient and safe modes of transfer.
Enliven provides access globally and hence the articles published with us will be read by all members, scientists, researchers, scholars, academicians, and students all over the world. Hence authors should give proper findings and should maintain the article in such a way where articles can be communicated to anyone without barriers like language, communication, and understanding.
In order to maintain such healthy contributions to Enliven, we provide schematic and brief guidelines for authors to prepare manuscripts. To summarize, articles submitted should be clearly communicated to all the members those who read them without any ambiguities in knowing the flow of the thought that should be delivered from the article.
Here we go with a few guidelines for preparing the article:
Cover Letter
Manuscript content
Figures and figure legends
Supplementary materials
Cover Letter:
It would be always advisable to have a cover page for a manuscript which aids both Enliven and also authors to have a clear declaration.
a) Authors need to acknowledge Enliven stating that they have not submitted the same work elsewhere and also stating that the submission is original. [Optional]
b) Authors should provide complete mailing address of corresponding author that include all the contact details (First name, last name, complete affiliation, Telephone contact, Fax (if available) and E-mail ID). [Mandatory]
c) Authors either can also suggest any possible referees or oppose referees. [Optional]
d) Authors need to provide the pre discussions that were held with any editorial board member to help us in assigning the work appropriately. [Optional]
Manuscript content:
Manuscripts should be submitted in a single document (Preferably Microsoft Word). Manuscript content should be laid in following order:
Manuscript title:
Each manuscript should contain legible and unique title which should be self explanatory about the content.
Author details:
If the author details are not mentioned in the cover letter, it is mandatory to mention the entire details in manuscript content which includes complete mailing address of corresponding author that include all the contact details (First name, last name, complete affiliation, Telephone contact, Fax (if available) and E-mail ID).
Note: Mentioning corresponding author details is mandatory.
Authors should form a precise and explanatory abstract about the article which helps the editors, reviewers and readers to consider the article. The article is with quality abstract will be highly read.
Authors may mention keywords which will help us and also any other to find the article accordingly in related searches.
Authors may mention the abbreviations and acronyms of the new terminologies or the existing terminologies that would be made use in the manuscript.
Main text:
Main text may include the following subdivisions to complete the entire manuscript content. The following subdivisions change according to the article type
i) Introduction:
This division of the manuscript includes the introductory part of the methods, methodologies, innovative thoughts, and any techniques that would be used in the manuscript. A brief introduction about any part of the manuscript will help the readers to find the information about manuscript accordingly.
ii) Methods and Materials:
This division of the manuscript includes the methods and materials used in the manuscript and the statements that support the selection of that exclusive method. Author can explain the entire methodology, experiments (if any) and evaluated data, statistics and any other relevant information. Authors should explain the experimental protocols clearly and also should mention the entire process properly which might include usage of reagents, selection of experimental materials as (White albino rats, monocot plants, etc.), and also techniques, algorithms so used.
iii) Conclusion:
This division of the manuscript includes the points that should be concluded according to the assumptions made and the conclusions should stick to the point mentioned in the manuscript text.
iv) Results and discussion:
This division of the manuscript includes the points to be discussed according to the assumptions made and conclusions concluded and discussion should support the manuscript in all the ways to have a high rate in finding the article.
v) Acknowledgements:
This division of the manuscript includes the author acknowledgements regarding the funding agencies, institutes, supporting organizations, and hospitals or persons who aided them in completing the work.
Acknowledgement helps us in finding the quality of the article where work supported by many organizations would be rated high.
This division of the manuscript includes the citations that were made use by authors in order to complete the work.
References should be numbered and should be cited in ascending order in the manuscript text and the same references should be mentioned at the end of the article. All the references cited should be published online or should be in press releases.
References should be numbered and should be mentioned in manuscript content in parenthesis as [1] or [1,2, 5-8] etc. There should be no repeated references in the reference list mentioned below the content and can have the reference number repeated as many times it is required.
There includes different type of references viz.
a) Article references
b) Book references
c) Conference proceedings
a) Article references:
Single author:
Format: Author 1 (Year) Title of manuscript. Journal short name Volume number: Starting page number-ending page number.
Example: Jemmerson R (1996) Epitope Mapping by Proteolysis of Antigen-Antibody Complexes. In Epitope Mapping Protocols 66: 97-108.
Two authors:
Format: Author 1, Author 2 (Year) Title of manuscript. Journal short name Volume number: Starting page number-ending page number.
Example: Hager-Braun C, Tomer KB (2005) Determination of protein-derived epitopes by mass spectrometry. Expert Rev Proteomics 2: 745-756.
The same format will be followed for three authors and four authors.
Five authors:
Format: Author 1, Author 2, Author 3, Author 4, Author 5 (Year) Title of manuscript. Journal short name Volume number: Starting page number-ending page number.
Example: Burnens A, Demotz S, Corradin G, Binz H, Bosshard H (1987) Epitope mapping by chemical modification of free and antibody-bound protein antigen. Science 235: 780-783.
More than five authors:
Format: Author 1, Author 2, Author 3, Author 4, Author 5, et al. (Year) Title of manuscript. Journal short name Volume number: Starting page number-ending page number.
Example: El-Kased RF, Koy C, Deierling T, Lorenz P, Qian Z, et al. (2009) Mass Spectrometric and Peptide Chip Epitope Mapping of Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoantigen RA33. Eur J Mass Spectrom 15: 747-759.
b) Book references:
Format: Author name (year) Title of book. (edition number), publishing company, Location of publishing company.
Example: Twyman RM (2004) Principles of proteomics. (1st edtn), Garland Science/BIOS Scientific Publishers, New York, NY 10017, USA
c) Conference references:
Format: Author name (Year) Title of article. Conference name and details
Example: Hawkins PM (1995) The development of shortwave radio telecommunications in the 1920's and 30's. International Conference on 100 Years of Radio, London
Note: Authors should make use of et al. after five authors in the reference.
Electronic Journal Articles Entrez Programming Utilities http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25500/
Figures and figure legends:
This division of the manuscript should be used to provide the data in figures to help or communicate the content to readers which includes the files in JPEG, PNG, and Tiff.
Figures should follow certain image specifications to index the manuscript with PubMed. Please find the specifications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/pub/filespec-images/
Figures should be numbered and should be provided with clear legend which helps us in inserting the figures in article accordingly.
Figure labels should be placed in the manuscript text which aids readers to find the continuity of the text.
E.g. Figure 1 will be the figure label; description of figure will be the figure legend.
Authors are responsible for the figures used in terms of getting prior permission for copyright figures and for figures that are published prior. It is always advisable to avoid the unnecessary figures from a publication.
This division of the manuscript should be used to provide the statistical data or any data that should be mentioned in the tabular form.
Authors can provide the data either in word document or in excel document and author can make use of multiple tables for submission. Tables should contain specific numbers and labels and legends as of figures and should be mentioned in the manuscript text which aids readers to understand the content accordingly.
This division of the manuscript should be used to provide the data in the form of equations and hence authors need to provide the data of equations in the form of text but in the form of an image. Author might make use of specific software for creating equations.
Supplementary materials:
This division of the manuscript should be used to provide any data that would be used for referring certain part of the manuscript and would be in bulk content wise.
This can be named as supplementary files or appendix. Authors may make use of multiple files and should number the files and provide the label in the manuscript text which aids readers to track the information.
Supplementary files can be in any one of the formats (PDF, Microsoft Word, and Excel)
Supplementary files or appendix will be published along with the manuscript and will be provided as individual link to download and view the material.
Note: Authors may send us the manuscript with clear headings and subheadings if they unable to submit the article according to the above mentioned format.
Video content:
As Enliven provides a descriptive video for each and every article, authors may send us the descriptive version of their article upon the acceptance.
Enliven merely stands on the quality output and hence the article would be sent to authors for providing galley proof after article acceptance where any typographical errors or any other related errors that should be corrected in the manuscript can be reported and after completing this process, final proofs will be published online upon an acceptance note from the author to publish.
Type of Articles and their Formats
Articles are classified in to different groups based on the criteria noted below. Authors are requested to follow the below guidelines before submitting an article.
Editorial is a brief description of a specific topic written by Enliven Archive Editors, Associate Editors or Invited Guest Editors.
Editorial is a one or two page submission.
The Reader submits letter to editor.
It can be a supporting, refusing, or additional relevant information of the previously published article.
It is a one or two page submission and should not contain any abstract.
Commentaries are the opinion articles of recent innovation or research findings. These articles are considered as secondary literature and contain around 2000 words. Commentary articles present the authors viewpoint on methods, analysis, and conclusion of a particular study.
These are very brief articles containing title, abstract, keywords, brief conclusion, and references at the end.
Review article is not an original data. It is an overview of published information and data collected from many authors and sources. These are considered as secondary literatures. There are three types of review articles
Literature Reviews
Systemic Reviews
Meta Analysis
Review articles are long articles with 3000-5000 word limit and contains a brief abstract (250 words), keywords, introduction, discussion, tables, figures, figure legends, graphs wherever necessary, conclusion, and references (in huge count).
Research articles are the original and full-length scientific reports and classified as primary literatures. Research articles present advances in any field of science. These articles reflect the original studies of innovative advances. Results play a vital role and add a good support for the research articles. These articles usually contain minimum 5000 words with 30-60 minimum references. These articles should present the detailed statistical, mathematical and economic studies of the particular research.
Research articles contains
Abstract (250 words with Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion)
Materials and Methods
Tables and Figures
Figure legends
Article might contain conflict of interest, acknowledgment, and supplementary files.
Author should submit the cover letter along with research manuscript.
Case reports are the original descriptions of previously unreported information or a new presentation of any unknown diseases. It reports the new prospective of the case. Clinical case studies are the real patient case studies and present study details from clinical and medical practice. These reports present the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of a particular disease. These are considered as primary literatures and have the word limit similar to research article.
These articles usually contain abstract, keywords, abbreviations, introduction, case presentation, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgements, and references.
Short communications are the articles on a particular topic, which describes the new discovery never explored before in the literature.
Short communication usually contain cover letter, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, figures, tables, figure legends, results, discussion, and references.
These are the papers presented in the Conference and published in the corresponding journal in the field of conference.
These are the announcements of conferences, meetings, seminars, symposia, courses, and other items. Announcements contain minimum 150 words with name, address, and email of the contact person.
Rapid Communications are the short papers presenting original and significant research. These contain the word limit of 2000 words with introduction, summary, explanation, tables, and references.
Any addition required for the published article in terms of content, figures, tables, and other supplements can be produced in the form of addendum.
Addendums are usually comprised of information that shall explain any inconsistencies or any updates for the already published submissions. Addendums should be very clear in order to point the already published version. The word count differs as per the information that should be included according to the previously published submission.
Book reviews are the submissions that comprises of any literacy criticism in the book that is already published. Book reviews may also comprise any proved mistakes, wrong analysis, and even opinions on the published books.
Book reviews mainly concentrate on topic the book covers and raises the thought of author according to their perspective provided with clear citations to support the opinion.
Book reviews may consist of 3000-5000 words with well cited references.
Articles that consist of ideas represented in abstract form. Concept articles usually comprise of generalized views on any particular concept. Concept articles basically are of abstract components. These articles will be in precised form where the concept of the submission alone will be delivered.
Precise articles to express the new ideas with any technical ideologies are abstracts. Usually, abstract conveys the entire content of any submission; equally abstract articles convey the idea of any new research, review, or any other article.
Abstract articles can consist of 500 to 1500 words based upon the idea to be discussed or conveyed.
Any submissions that shall raise the unique point or topic in the subject fields that should be discussed to find the result are discussion articles. These type of versions will be written on the emerging topics in the field of study and create a forum based on the opinions.
Discussion articles can consist of 2000-3000 words based on the topics to be discussed.
Corrections, updates, and any gaps in the published article can be presented in erratum. These articles usually perform the correction checklist for published articles. Authors shall point the feedback for such errors in the published article in errata. Errata will increase the scope of published article.
Errata shall consist of 1000-2000 words depending on the errors to be pointed out in earlier versions.
Articles that make use of graphical representations and images to show the case, process, or research are called as graphical abstracts. Presenting the thought in the form of graphics rather than content will draw the attention of many readers.
Mostly, articles related to chemistry can make use of these graphical abstracts.
Articles that comprise of steps in handled project with complete data explaining the project in detail are called project reports. Usually, project reports will be submitted by many upcoming students to showcase their ideas that should be evaluated. Project reports consists of representation of research idea with many supported references.
Project reports may consist of 4000-5000 words to explain the idea in detail.
A short report representing or pointing the technical aspects of the work are called as technical note/scientific report. Technical note usually deals with the technical amendments or updates and differences in the technical aspects. The research article mostly deals with the subject part of the work while technical report or scientific report deals with the techniques and technologies used in the work.
Technical note can consist of 1000-1500 words.
The typical report stating the other set of authors to withdraw the submission as the work resembles with the current authors’ is called expression of concern/retraction. Usually any set of authors are not comfortable with the other group of authors due to concept collision will state their concern to withdraw the submission.
Dr Adam Abdul Gafoor

Evan Y. Snyder

Hung-Fat Tse

Morris Kletzel

Nau, Amy

Tobias David Merson