Enliven: Gynecology and Obstetrics

Uphill Battle on the Paradigm Shift on the Targets of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin/ Luteinizing Hormone Actions
Author(s): C.V. Rao

Uphill battles have always been fought whenever there are paradigm shifts. It is no surprise then that it had to be fought when a body of work from around the world forced a paradigm shift on the targets hCG/LH actions. These hormones are structural and functional homologs that are believed to regulate only male and female gonads. In addition, hCG, which exists in humans and subhuman primates, was believed to be required only for about the first 9th weeks of pregnancy, even though low circulatory levels are present during the entire pregnancy. These two concepts have been forced to change, i.e. hCG and LH can also regulate many nongonadal tissues and hCG may be required throughout pregnancy in women.