Introduction: Western medicine’s cancer treatment focus on the destruction of the diseased cells. In traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), cancer is the manifestation of the body’s energy deficiency and Heat retention.
Purpose: To demonstrate that cancer patients have energy deficiencies and Heat retention as root and also chakra’s energy deficiencies in the lowest level. The balance of the energy deficiencies, taking out the Heat retention, replenishment of the chakras energies is important to prevent and treat cancer patients.
Methods: Three clinical cases reports. All three patients with cancer diagnoses (case one: thyroid; case two: uterus; case three: lungs). All three patients were found to be at their lowest level of energy (through radiesthesia), rating one out of eight. Treatment consisted in reestablish the equilibrium between Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood and taking out Heat retention through Chinese dietary counselling, auricular acupuncture with apex-ear bloodletting, homeopathy according to the Constitutional Homeopathy of Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medication.
Results: The first two case reports were cured of their cancer condition without any treatment by Western medicine, only with the treatment done. The third patient, though, was already under radiotherapy and chemotherapy but through the treatment previously described the metastasis disappeared and he achieved a better physical and emotional health state.
Conclusion: TCM believes that energy deficiency and Heat retention causes cancer. Treatment with Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture, apex-ear bloodletting and recharge of the Chakras energy can be a path to prevention and treatment of cancer patients.