Enliven: Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety

Pharmacopolitics, Implications and Implementation in Clinical Studies
Author(s): Akshaya Srikanth Bhagavathula, Asim Ahmad Elnour, Pinar Erkekoglu, Alaa Mohammed Abdul Aziz, Mirai Murad Sadek, Farah Hamad, Abdulla Shehab, Mohamed Baraka, and Cristina Sanches-Giraud

Prior to defining pharmacopolitics, one may wonder about this odd associations and relevancy of terminology. The word politics denotes
articulating and resolving conflicts within society without recourse to physical violence. Pharmaco stems from the Greek name Pharmakon/
Pharmacon which entail active ingredients/drug or medicine and is pertaining to pharmaceuticals and pharmacy sciences. Hence, the word
pharmacopolitics joined the politics to medicines-drugs-pharmaceuticals to clarify the study of drug safety and efficacy (difficulties and solutions) in
relation to societal priorities, controversies, health budgets and associated costs. This juxtaposition of the two words emphasizes the significance and
impact of pharmaceuticals on health decisions, health political conflicts and societal health needs and priorities.