Enliven: Pediatrics and Neonatal Biology

Atopic Dermatitis: The Attack of Food Allergens
Author(s): Arnaldo Cantani

More than 50 years ago food allergy (FA) was suggested as a contributing factor in AD. It was shown that cow’s milk (CM) feeding predisposed to the development of AD while breast fed babies had a prevalence of eczema seven times lower than that of CM-fed babies. Later on, it was reported that children with a family history of allergy and soy formula fed during the first six months of life had less eczema and asthma in comparison with CM-fed children. In a double-blind, cross-over study, Atherton et al. demonstrated a marked improvement of AD in 21 2-8yr old children receiving a CM and egg-free diet. It was noted that 14/20 patients responded more favorably to the antigen avoidance diet employing a soy formula as CM substitute, whereas only one had a more favorable response to a not CM and egg free diet.