Enliven: Biostatistics and Metrics is an Open access, peer reviewed international journal and it aims to publish different types of articles on emerging developments and supports current and upcoming research in the field of biostatistics. This journal also allows articles on biometrics and data analysis.
This journal will support the budding scientists, scholars, academicians, researchers, and students by providing Open access platform for publishing their work.
This journal will follow the peer review policies and will bode Open access in having quality research output. This journal combines the innovative scientific ideas and ways in biostatistics, biometrics, data analysis and all other related disciplines to have an innovative output.
Enliven: Biostatistics and Metrics invites articles from authors and we assure authors that articles received will be processed with the best policies and will disseminate the articles to the right field.
Enliven: Biostatistics and Metrics aims to publish recent studies, innovations, discoveries and developments in biostatistics, biometrics, biostatistics methods, microarray studies and all other related areas.

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- To satisfy interpretation of basic topics like design,specimen size and analytical analysis of the study a biostatistician will be a member of the IRB. By this we are discussing the role of biostatisticians in IRBs.

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