- Anesthesia and Anatomy
- The practice of medicine to examine the role anatomy in anesthetic conditions.
- Clinical Anesthesia
- A practice of medicine for prevention of pain during the treatment.
- Surgery and Anesthesia
- Relief from or prevention of pain with anesthesia during the surgery.
- Pain Management
- A medical approach to study the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pain.
- Anesthesia and Pharmacology
- Action mechanism of anesthetic drugs.
- Anesthesia and Immunology
- Action and reaction of the immune system during anesthesia.
- Anesthesia Drugs and Adjutants
- Anesthetic drugs and their uses.
- Anesthesia and Physiology
- Effect of anesthesia on normal body functions.
- Post Anesthesia Care
- Critical care unit for patients after receiving anesthesia.
- Emergency Medicine
- The medical specialty involving care for undifferentiated and unscheduled patients.
- Etiology
- Cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition.
- Critical Care and Anatomy
- The specialized care of patients whose conditions are life-threatening. Also known as intensive care.
- Resuscitation
- Correcting physiological disorders in ill health patient.
- Toxicology and Critical Care
- To examine the nature, effects, and detection of poisons during critical care.
- Intensive Care Medicine
- To Diagnose and manage the life-threatening conditions requiring invasive monitoring.
- Critical Care and Pharmaceutics
- To examine the process of turning a new chemical entity (NCE) or old drugs into a medication to be used during critical care.
- Emergency Anesthesia
- Anesthesia for emergency surgical procedures.
- Local Anesthesia
- To numb a specific part of the body to prevent pain during surgical procedures.
- Sedation
- Administering sedative drug to produce a state of calm or sleep.
- Regional Anesthesia
- Peripheral nerve block by injections to numb the appropriate area.
- Anesthetic agents
- Anesthetic drugs.
- General Anesthesia
- A controlled, reversible state of unconsciousness produced when a patient receives medications from anesthesia.
- Surgical Anesthesia
- Administration of anesthetic drugs during surgical procedures.
- Dental Anesthesia
- Administration of anesthetic drugs for dental surgeries.
- Vascular Anesthesia
- Administration of anesthetic drugs for vascular surgeries.
- Advances in Anesthesia
- Recent research and innovative anesthesia studies.
- Anesthetic Techniques
- Creating a state of unconsciousness using a variety of medications.
- Preoperative Evaluation & Anesthesia Risk
- Evaluating the anesthetic risk before surgeries.
- Inhalational Anesthesia
- Administration of Anesthetic drugs through inhalation.
- Neurosurgical Anesthesia
- Anesthesia for neurosurgeries.
- Intravenous Regional Anesthesia
- To inject Local anesthetic intravenously. Also called as IVRA or Bier block anesthesia.
- All submissions will undergo vigorous peer review process.
- High quality review process.
- Permanent published archives.
- Author loyal benefits.
- Reviewer credits.
- Visible specified citations.
- Open access - Maximum dissemination.
- Un-interrupted author communication.
- Standard author guidelines.
- Minimal publication charges with convenient and safe modes of transfer.
Index Copernicus Value: 61.9
Enliven: Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine is an Open access, peer reviewed international journal and it aims to publish different types of articles on emerging developments and supports current and upcoming research in the field of anesthesia. This journal also allows articles on resuscitation and critical care.
This journal will support the budding scientists, scholars, academicians, researchers, and students by providing Open access platform for publishing their work.
This journal will follow the peer review policies and will bode Open access in having quality research output.
This journal combines the innovative scientific ideas and ways in anesthesia, critical care, resuscitation and all other related disciplines to have an innovative output.
Enliven: Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine invites articles from authors and we assure authors that articles received will be processed with the best policies and will disseminate the articles to the right field.
Anesthesiology is a specialized field of medicine practiced by specially trained doctors for pain relief during and after the surgery.
Tocilizumab Outcome in SARs-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients
Authors: Nafisa Wadud, Naim Ahmed, Mannu Shergill, Maida Khan, Murali Krishna, Aamir Gilani, Samer El Zarif, Jodi Galaydick, Karthika Linga, Shravan Koor, Julia Galea, Lauren Stuczynski, Maria B Osundele Abstract View Pdf

Development of Dexmedetomidine connected anesthesia on Motor-evokes potentials all along brain tumor surgery.
- IOM in since the high false positive rate could decrease the accuracy, event after using DEX should be cautiously interpreted.

How we are electing- Neoadjuvant therapy in rectal cancer.
- Apply the identified factors, it apply that consistent decisions respecting neoadjuvant therapy are being made the majority of the time.

Simulation-based ultrasound-guided local anesthesia curriculum for anesthesiology native.
- The detached of this review is to draft simulation-based coaching that can be complete into a UGRA curriculam and analyze educational tools like gamification to facilitate competency in regional anesthesiology.

In rats cerebrovascular active to hypercapnia all along sevoflurane or desflurane anesthesia.
- Desflurane activate cerebrovascular return akin to those of sevoflurane. Desflurane ca be worn as safely as sevoflurane in neurosugical anesthesia.

The accord of heart rate between natural sleep and dexmedetomidine sedation.
- The bradycardia that arise when accepting dexmedetomidine may be one of the natural changes, and this may be checked rather than corrected.
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